May 23, 2013

Browser Testing Company TestingBot Launches manual cross browser testing

By launching this new manual browser testing service, TestingBot aims to provide QA teams with a wide selection of browsers and operating systems. A fresh browser is started in seconds and can be controlled straight from inside the user's browser through HTML5.

Combining this cross browser testing service with its existing automated testing service, TestingBot aims to deliver the best tools to people wanting to test the compatibility of their website on all browsers. With two datacenters both in the US and Europe, TestingBot provides the best speed when testing.

"We've learned that there's an increasing demand of customers wanting to manually test their websites in different browsers as part of their development process", said Jochen Delabie, CEO at TestingBot. "WIth this newly launched service, we're excited to provide our customers with a very fast way to easily test their webapps in multiple browsers".

Bundled with its other tools, TestingBot provides a program to test websites which are not public. With this feature, users can test their website running on their own computer or local network.

May 1, 2012

New real-time video stream of browser tests now available to TestingBot customers

TestingBot, a cloud-based testing company, today released Test TV to all customers of its cross-browser testing service. Test TV allows developers and testers to view their tests running in the TestingBot cloud in a live and secure way. With this new functionality, developers save time during testing.

With over a hundred thousand tests running each month, TestingBot delivers an easy way for testers to run their tests on a grid of different browsers. Next to running tests on browsers, TestingBot allows for automated mobile testing on iPhone, iPad and Android.

With Test TV, developers now have a clear view of their tests running in the cloud. The video player runs straight from inside the browser and does not need any extra software. "We continue to add new features which improve the workflow of our customers, Test TV was one of the most requested features", said Jochen Delabie, founder of TestingBot. "Test TV will certainly help our customers during their Selenium testing " 

Test TV benefits include:

  • Faster debugging of tests
  • Easy to use inside the browser
  • Live view of tests running in the cloud

The company mentions to be working on more exciting features, which will be released  in the coming months.

For more information on TestingBot, or to run a free trial, visit testingbot.com

March 29, 2013

Browser Testing Company TestingBot Launches in Europe

TestingBot, a cloud-based browser testing company, today announced the possibility of running browser tests from its European cloud. By extending its cloud to Europe, testers can now test their websites in both the US and Europe.

With over thousands of tests running each day, a large part of TestingBot's customers resides in Europe. By providing a cloud closer to their location, tests will run much faster for these customers.

"By providing the same features in both our US and European cloud, we aim to make browser testing with TestingBot both fast and simple", said Jochen Delabie, founder of TestingBot. "This new service will definitely please our customers".

The company mentions to be working on more exciting features, which will be available in the coming months.

May 1, 2012

New real-time video stream of browser tests now available to TestingBot customers

TestingBot, a cloud-based testing company, today released Test TV to all customers of its cross-browser testing service. Test TV allows developers and testers to view their tests running in the TestingBot cloud in a live and secure way. With this new functionality, developers save time during testing.

With over a hundred thousand tests running each month, TestingBot delivers an easy way for testers to run their tests on a grid of different browsers. Next to running tests on browsers, TestingBot allows for automated mobile testing on iPhone, iPad and Android.

With Test TV, developers now have a clear view of their tests running in the cloud. The video player runs straight from inside the browser and does not need any extra software. "We continue to add new features which improve the workflow of our customers, Test TV was one of the most requested features", said Jochen Delabie, founder of TestingBot. "Test TV will certainly help our customers during their Selenium testing " 

Test TV benefits include:

  • Faster debugging of tests
  • Easy to use inside the browser
  • Live view of tests running in the cloud

The company mentions to be working on more exciting features, which will be released  in the coming months.

For more information on TestingBot, or to run a free trial, visit testingbot.com

December 5, 2011

Cross Browser Testing - A Must For Every Website Owner

One of the key aspects of launching a website is making sure it functions correctly across all the different browsers.
TestingBot.com makes cross browser testing easy and fast by using cloud computing.

With this new test service, TestingBot provides easy access to a multiple of browsers and browser versions.
A website developer creates one single test which can then be verified on all the major browsers for verification.
By using this service, website owners can avoid introducing bugs and they make sure their product functions correctly.

The industry standard for browser testing, Selenium, is the technology being used at TestingBot.
Website owners can quickly compose a Selenium test with simple commands and run it on TestingBot's grid infrastructure.
An example of a test would be to verify if the flow of registering a new account functions correctly.

Whenever website owners make adjustments to their website, they risk the chance of breaking certain features.
TestingBot provides a feature where it will test the flow, design or any other aspect at a specific time and interval.
If the website does break, TestingBot will alert the owner, saving a potential loss in visitors or revenue.

By using cloud computing, TestingBot can quickly scale up when demand is high.
When a website owner decides to test a website on ten different browser versions, TestingBot dynamically allocates a cluster of browsers to test the website.

With its tunnel feature, TestingBot provides website developers the possibility to test a website while it is still in development.
The tunnel provides a secure connection between the developer's staging environment and our test grid.

About TestingBot.com

TestingBot.com provides easy cross browser testing for website owners.
Verify your website on all the popular browsers with TestingBot's easy to use testing grid.